2022-02-21 05:08

"Gold" with Evgeny DYATLOV in the title role

The screening of the new action-packed detective story "Gold" with Evgeny DYATLOV in the title role has started

“My hero has his own life experience and his own guidelines. He is from another world, and he has his own view of life and death, a different attitude to friendship, love, women, goals and the meaning of life. He is completely different from me, all this is not close to me, and, frankly, I have nothing in common with my hero. But I'm interested in playing such a tough and principled character. But, of course, the main character of our series is not me, but gold, around which the plot of our story develops.


"Романтика романса". Новогодний гала-концерт. Евгений Дятлов — «Пообещайте мне любовь» @Телеканал Культура